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-- Small-step semantics for the BitML calculus
open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open L.Mem
open import Prelude.Lists.Core
open import Prelude.Lists.Dec
open import Prelude.Lists.Indexed
open import Prelude.Nary
open import Prelude.Setoid
open import Prelude.Ord
open import Prelude.InferenceRules
open import Prelude.Null

open import BitML.BasicTypes
open import BitML.Predicate

module BitML.Semantics.InferenceRules ( : ) (let open  ) where

open import BitML.Contracts  hiding (d; C; G)
open import BitML.Semantics.Action 
open import BitML.Semantics.Configurations.Types 
open import BitML.Semantics.Configurations.Helpers 
open import BitML.Semantics.Label 
open import BitML.Semantics.Predicate 

-- Semantic rules for untimed configurations.

-- T0D0 freshness conditions are not completely accurate
-- i.e. using `ids Γ` does not examine names in authorization

infix -1 _—[_]→_ _—[_]↛_
data _—[_]→_ : Cfg  Label  Cfg  Type where

  -- i) Rules for deposits

  [DEP-AuthJoin] :

     A has v ⟩at x   A has v′ ⟩at y  Γ
      —[ auth-join⦅ A , x  y  ]→
     A has v ⟩at x   A has v′ ⟩at y  A auth[ x  y ▷⟨ A , v + v′  ]  Γ

  [DEP-Join] :

    z  x  y  ids Γ -- z fresh
     A has v ⟩at x   A has v′ ⟩at y  A auth[ x  y ▷⟨ A , v + v′  ]  Γ
      —[ join⦅ x  y  ]→
     A has (v + v′) ⟩at z  Γ

  [DEP-AuthDivide] :

     A has (v + v′) ⟩at x  Γ
      —[ auth-divide⦅ A , x  v , v′  ]→
     A has (v + v′) ⟩at x  A auth[ x ▷⟨ A , v , v′  ]  Γ

  [DEP-Divide] :

    All (_∉ x  ids Γ) [ y  y′ ] -- y, y′ fresh
     A has (v + v′) ⟩at x  A auth[ x ▷⟨ A , v , v′  ]  Γ
      —[ divide⦅ x  v , v′  ]→
     A has v ⟩at y   A has v′ ⟩at y′  Γ

  [DEP-AuthDonate] :

     A has v ⟩at x  Γ
      —[ auth-donate⦅ A , x ▷ᵈ B  ]→
     A has v ⟩at x  A auth[ x ▷ᵈ B ]  Γ

  [DEP-Donate] :

    y  x  ids Γ -- y fresh
     A has v ⟩at x  A auth[ x ▷ᵈ B ]  Γ
      —[ donate⦅ x ▷ᵈ B  ]→
     B has v ⟩at y  Γ

  [DEP-AuthDestroy] :
     {ds : DepositRefs} {j : Index ds} 

    let xs = map select₃ ds
        Aⱼ = (ds  j) .proj₁
        j′ = ‼-map {xs = ds} j
        Δ  = || map (uncurry₃ ⟨_has_⟩at_) ds

    y  ids Γ -- y fresh (except in destroy authorizations for xs)
    Δ  Γ
      —[ auth-destroy⦅ Aⱼ , xs , j′  ]→
    Δ  Aⱼ auth[ xs , j′ ▷ᵈˢ y ]  Γ

  [DEP-Destroy] :
     {ds : DepositRefs} 

      xs = map select₃ ds
      Δ  = || map  (i , Aᵢ , vᵢ , xᵢ) 
                      Aᵢ has vᵢ ⟩at xᵢ  Aᵢ auth[ xs , ‼-map {xs = ds} i ▷ᵈˢ y ]
                  ) (enumerate ds)
    Δ  Γ
      —[ destroy⦅ xs  ]→

  -- ii) Rules for contract advertisements and stipulation

  [C-Advertise] : let open ∣AD ad in

     ValidAd ad               -- the advertisement is valid
     Any (_∈ Hon) partG       -- at least one honest participant
     deposits ad  deposits Γ -- all persistent deposits in place
      Γ —[ advertise⦅ ad  ]→ ` ad  Γ

  [C-AuthCommit] : let open ∣AD ad in
     {secrets : List (Secret × Maybe )} 

    let (as , ms) = unzip secrets
        Δ         = || map (uncurry  A ∶_♯_⟩) secrets

     as  secretsOfᵖ A G         -- a₁..aₖ secrets of A in G
     All (_∉ secretsOfᶜᶠ A Γ) as -- ∀i ∈ 1..k : ∄N : {A : aᵢ ♯ N} ∈ Γ
     (A  Hon  All Is-just ms)  -- honest participants commit to valid lengths
      ` ad  Γ
        —[ auth-commit⦅ A , ad , secrets  ]→
      ` ad  Γ  Δ  A auth[ ♯▷ ad ]

  [C-AuthInit] : let open ∣AD ad in

     partG  committedParticipants ad Γ -- all participants have committed their secrets
     (A , v , x)  persistentDeposits G -- G = A :! v @ x | ...
      ` ad  Γ
        —[ auth-init⦅ A , ad , x  ]→
      ` ad  Γ  A auth[ x ▷ˢ ad ]

  [C-Init] : let open ∣AD ad in

    -- all participants have committed their secrets (guaranteed from [C-AuthInit])

    let toSpend = persistentDeposits G
        vs      = map select₂ toSpend
        xs      = map select₃ toSpend

    x  xs ++ ids Γ -- x fresh
    ` ad
     || map  (Aᵢ , vᵢ , xᵢ)   Aᵢ has vᵢ ⟩at xᵢ  Aᵢ auth[ xᵢ ▷ˢ ad ]) toSpend
     || map _auth[ ♯▷ ad ] partG
      —[ init⦅ G , C  ]→
     C , sum vs ⟩at x  Γ

  -- iii) Rules for executing active contracts

  [C-Split] :
     {vcis : VIContracts} 

    let (vs , cs , ys) = unzip₃ vcis in

    All (_∉ y  ids Γ) ys -- ys fresh
     [ split (zip vs cs) ] , sum vs ⟩at y  Γ
      —[ split⦅ y  ]→
    || map (uncurry₃ $ flip ⟨_,_⟩at_) vcis  Γ

  [C-AuthRev] :

     A  a  just n   Γ
      —[ auth-rev⦅ A , a  ]→
    A  a  n  Γ

  [C-PutRev] :
     {ds : DepositRefs}
      {ss : List (Participant × Secret × )} 

    let (_ , vs , xs) = unzip₃ ds
        (_ , as , _)  = unzip₃ ss
        Γ = || map (uncurry₃ ⟨_has_⟩at_) ds
        Δ = || map (uncurry₃ _∶_♯_) ss
        ΔΓ′ = Δ  Γ′

     z  y  ids (Γ  ΔΓ′) -- z fresh
      p ⟧ᵖ Δ  just true -- predicate is true
       [ put xs &reveal as if p  c ] , v ⟩at y  (Γ  ΔΓ′)
        —[ put⦅ xs , as , y  ]→
       c , v + sum vs ⟩at z  ΔΓ′

  [C-Withdraw] :

    x  y  ids Γ -- x fresh
     [ withdraw A ] , v ⟩at y  Γ
      —[ withdraw⦅ A , v , y  ]→
     A has v ⟩at x  Γ

  [C-AuthControl] :
     {i : Index c}  let d = c  i in

    A  authDecorations d -- D ≡ A : D′
     c , v ⟩at x  Γ
      —[ auth-control⦅ A , x  d  ]→
     c , v ⟩at x  A auth[ x  d ]  Γ

  -- T0D0 linearize, i.e. introduce new label and produce intermediate configuration:
  -- ⟨ c , v ⟩at x ∣ Δ ∣ Γ —[ choice⦅ c , i ⦆ ]→ ⟨ [ d∗ ] , v ⟩at x ∣ Γ
  [C-Control] :
     {i : Index c}  let open ∣SELECT c i in

     ¬Null (authDecorations d)  (length c > 1)
     Γ  L
      [ d∗ ] , v ⟩at x  L —[ α ]→ Γ′ -- T0D0 replace with _—↠_?
     cv α  just x
       c , v ⟩at x  || map _auth[ x  d ] (nub $ authDecorations d)  Γ
        —[ α ]→

-- Semantic rules for timed configurations.

infix 3 _≈ₜ_
_≈ₜ_ : Cfgᵗ  Cfgᵗ  Type
c ≈ₜ c′ = (time c  time c′) × (cfg c  cfg c′)

infix -1 _—[_]→ₜ_
data _—[_]→ₜ_ : Cfgᵗ  Label  Cfgᵗ  Type where

  -- iv) Rules for handling time
  [Action] :

     Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′
     cv α  nothing
      Γ at t —[ α ]→ₜ Γ′ at t

  [Delay] :

    δ > 0
    Γ at t —[ delay⦅ δ  ]→ₜ Γ at (t + δ)

  [Timeout] :
     {i : Index c}  let open ∣SELECT c i; As , ts = decorations d in

     Null As                           -- no authorizations required to pick branch
     All (_≤ t) ts                     -- all time constraints are satisfied
      [ d∗ ] , v ⟩at x  Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′ -- resulting state if we pick branch
     cv α  just x
      ( c , v ⟩at x  Γ) at t —[ α ]→ₜ Γ′ at t

_—[_]↛_ : Cfg  Label  Cfg  Type
Γ —[ α ]↛ Γ′ = ¬ (Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′)

_—[_]↛ₜ_ : Cfgᵗ  Label  Cfgᵗ  Type
Γₜ —[ α ]↛ₜ Γₜ′ = ¬ (Γₜ —[ α ]→ₜ Γₜ′)

-- Derive the reflexive transitive closure for of _—→_ and _—→ₜ_.

open import Prelude.Closures
open UpToLabelledReflexiveTransitiveClosure _—[_]→_ public
open UpToLabelledReflexiveTransitiveClosure _—[_]→ₜ_ public
  renaming ( begin_ to beginₜ_; _∎ to _∎ₜ
           ; _—→⟨_⟩_⊢_ to _—→ₜ⟨_⟩_⊢_; _—→⟨_⟩_ to _—→ₜ⟨_⟩_; _`—→⟨_⟩_⊢_ to _`—→ₜ⟨_⟩_⊢_
           ; _—→_ to _—→ₜ_
           ; _—[_]↠_ to _—[_]↠ₜ_; _—↠_ to _—↠ₜ_
           ; _—[_]↠⁺_ to _—[_]↠⁺ₜ_; _—↠⁺_ to _—↠⁺ₜ_
           ; _⟨_⟩←—_⊢_ to _⟨_⟩←—ₜ_⊢_; _⟨_⟩←—_ to _⟨_⟩←—ₜ_; _`⟨_⟩←—_⊢_ to _`⟨_⟩←—ₜ_⊢_
           ; _←[_]—_ to _←[_]—ₜ_; _←—_ to _←—ₜ_
           ; _↞[_]—_ to _↞[_]—ₜ_; _↞—_ to _↞—ₜ_
           ; _⁺↞[_]—_ to _⁺↞[_]—ₜ_; _⁺↞—_ to _⁺↞—ₜ_
           ; viewLeft to viewLeftₜ; viewRight to viewRightₜ; view↔ to view↔ₜ