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open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open L.Mem hiding (_∈_)
open L.Perm using (∈-resp-↭; map⁺)
open import Prelude.Lists.PermutationsMeta
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.Lists
open import Prelude.Lists.Dec
open import Prelude.Membership
open import Prelude.Lists.Collections
open import Prelude.Applicative
open import Prelude.Semigroup
open import Prelude.Nary
open import Prelude.Decidable
open import Prelude.General
open import Prelude.Setoid
open import Prelude.Traces
open import Prelude.Bifunctor
open import Prelude.Irrelevance.Core
open import Prelude.Coercions
open import Prelude.Split renaming (split to mkSplit)
open import Prelude.Null
open import BitML.BasicTypes
module BitML.Semantics.Configurations.Helpers (⋯ : ⋯) (let open ⋯ ⋯) where
open import BitML.Contracts ⋯
open import BitML.Semantics.Action ⋯
open import BitML.Semantics.Configurations.Types ⋯
Setoid-Cfg′ : ISetoid Cfg′
Setoid-Cfg′ = λ where
.relℓ → 0ℓ
._≈_ → _↭_
SetoidLaws-Cfg′ : SetoidLaws Cfg′
SetoidLaws-Cfg′ .isEquivalence = record {IsEquivalence L.Perm.↭-isEquivalence}
Setoid-Cfg : ISetoid Cfg
Setoid-Cfg = λ where
.relℓ → 0ℓ
._≈_ → _≈_ on to[ Cfg′ ]
SetoidLaws-Cfg : SetoidLaws Cfg
SetoidLaws-Cfg .isEquivalence = record {IsEquivalence L.Perm.↭-isEquivalence}
Setoid-Cfgᵗ : ISetoid Cfgᵗ
Setoid-Cfgᵗ = λ where
.relℓ → 0ℓ
._≈_ (Γ at t) (Γ′ at t′) → (t ≡ t′) × (Γ ≈ Γ′)
SetoidLaws-Cfgᵗ : SetoidLaws Cfgᵗ
SetoidLaws-Cfgᵗ .isEquivalence = record
{ refl = refl , ↭-refl
; sym = λ where (t≡ , Γ≈) → sym t≡ , ↭-sym Γ≈
; trans = λ where (t≡ , Γ≈) (≡t , ≈Γ) → trans t≡ ≡t , ↭-trans Γ≈ ≈Γ
Initial-Cfg : HasInitial Cfg
Initial-Cfg .Initial = λ where
∅ᶜ → ⊤
(⟨ _ has _ ⟩at _) → ⊤
(l ∣ r) → Initial l × Initial r
_ → ⊥
Initial-Cfgᵗ : HasInitial Cfgᵗ
Initial-Cfgᵗ .Initial (Γ at t) = Initial Γ × (t ≡ 0)
≈ᵗ-refl : Γₜ ≈ Γₜ
≈ᵗ-refl = refl , ↭-refl
cfgToList : Cfg → List Cfg
cfgToList = map to[ Cfg ] ∘ to[ Cfg′ ]
cfgToList-++ : ∀ l r → cfgToList (l ∣ r) ≡ cfgToList l ++ cfgToList r
cfgToList-++ l r = to[ Cfg ] (to[ Cfg′ ] l) (to[ Cfg′ ] r)
cfgToList-assoc : ∀ l c r → cfgToList (l ∣ c ∣ r) ≡ cfgToList (l ∣ (c ∣ r))
cfgToList-assoc l c r
rewrite cfgToList-++ (l ∣ c) r | cfgToList-++ l c
| cfgToList-++ l (c ∣ r) | cfgToList-++ c r
= L.++-assoc (cfgToList l) (cfgToList c) (cfgToList r)
toCfg-injective : Injective≡ {A = BaseCfg} to[ Cfg ]
toCfg-injective {x = `` _} {`` _} refl = refl
toCfg-injective {x = `⟨ _ , _ ⟩at _} {`⟨ _ , _ ⟩at _} refl = refl
toCfg-injective {x = `⟨ _ has _ ⟩at _} {`⟨ _ has _ ⟩at _} refl = refl
toCfg-injective {x = _ `auth[ _ ]} {_ `auth[ _ ]} refl = refl
toCfg-injective {x = `⟨ _ ∶ _ ♯ _ ⟩} {`⟨ _ ∶ _ ♯ _ ⟩} refl = refl
toCfg-injective {x = _ `∶ _ ♯ _} {_ `∶ _ ♯ _} refl = refl
toCfg′-assoc : ∀ l c r → to[ Cfg′ ] (l ∣ c ∣ r) ≡ to[ Cfg′ ] (l ∣ (c ∣ r))
toCfg′-assoc l c r = toCfg-injective (cfgToList-assoc l c r)
≈ᶜ-assoc : ∀ l c r → l ∣ (c ∣ r) ≈ l ∣ c ∣ r
≈ᶜ-assoc l c r = ↭-reflexive (sym $ toCfg′-assoc l c r)
infix 4 _∈ᶜ_ _∉ᶜ_
_∈ᶜ_ _∉ᶜ_ : Rel₀ Cfg
c ∈ᶜ c′ = c ∈ cfgToList c′
c ∉ᶜ c′ = ¬ c ∈ᶜ c′
∈ᶜ-++⁻ : ∀ l r → Γ₀ ∈ᶜ (l ∣ r) → Γ₀ ∈ᶜ l ⊎ Γ₀ ∈ᶜ r
∈ᶜ-++⁻ l r rewrite cfgToList-++ l r = ∈-++⁻ (cfgToList l)
∈ᶜ-++⁺ˡ : ∀ l r → Γ₀ ∈ᶜ l → Γ₀ ∈ᶜ (l ∣ r)
∈ᶜ-++⁺ˡ l r rewrite cfgToList-++ l r = ∈-++⁺ˡ
∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ : ∀ l r → Γ₀ ∈ᶜ r → Γ₀ ∈ᶜ (l ∣ r)
∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ l r rewrite cfgToList-++ l r = ∈-++⁺ʳ (cfgToList l)
destruct-∈ᶜ-++ : ∀ Γ Γ′ {x}
→ (x∈ : x ∈ᶜ (Γ ∣ Γ′))
→ (∃ λ (x∈ˡ : x ∈ᶜ Γ) → x∈ ≡ ∈ᶜ-++⁺ˡ Γ Γ′ x∈ˡ)
⊎ (∃ λ (x∈ʳ : x ∈ᶜ Γ′) → x∈ ≡ ∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ Γ Γ′ x∈ʳ)
destruct-∈ᶜ-++ Γ Γ′ x∈ rewrite cfgToList-++ Γ Γ′ = destruct-∈-++ x∈
infix 4 _⊆ᶜ_ _⊈ᶜ_
_⊆ᶜ_ _⊈ᶜ_ : Rel₀ Cfg
c ⊆ᶜ c′ = cfgToList c ⊆ cfgToList c′
c ⊈ᶜ c′ = ¬ c ⊆ᶜ c′
⊆ᶜ-refl : Reflexive _⊆ᶜ_
⊆ᶜ-refl = id
⊆ᶜ-trans : Transitive _⊆ᶜ_
⊆ᶜ-trans Γ⊆ Γ⊆′ = Γ⊆′ ∘ Γ⊆
⊆ᶜ-++⁺ˡ : ∀ l r → Δ ⊆ᶜ l → Δ ⊆ᶜ l ∣ r
⊆ᶜ-++⁺ˡ l r = ∈ᶜ-++⁺ˡ l r ∘_
⊆ᶜ-++⁺ʳ : ∀ l r → Δ ⊆ᶜ r → Δ ⊆ᶜ l ∣ r
⊆ᶜ-++⁺ʳ l r = ∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ l r ∘_
_≢deposit : Pred₀ Cfg
_≢deposit = λ where
(⟨ _ has _ ⟩at _) → ⊥
_ → ⊤
Initial⇒∉ : ⦃ Γ₀ ≢deposit ⦄ → Initial Γ → Γ₀ ∉ᶜ Γ
Initial⇒∉ {Γ = ⟨ _ has _ ⟩at _} ⦃ () ⦄ _ (here refl)
Initial⇒∉ {Γ = l ∣ r} ⦃ ≢dep ⦄ (pˡ , pʳ) =
∈ᶜ-++⁻ l r >≡>
Sum.[ Initial⇒∉ ⦃ ≢dep ⦄ pˡ
, Initial⇒∉ ⦃ ≢dep ⦄ pʳ ]
∈ᶜ-resp-≈ : Γ ≈ Γ′ → Γ₀ ∈ᶜ Γ → Γ₀ ∈ᶜ Γ′
∈ᶜ-resp-≈ Γ≈ = ∈-map-resp-↭ to[ Cfg ] Γ≈
∉ᶜ-resp-≈ : Γ ≈ Γ′ → Γ₀ ∉ᶜ Γ → Γ₀ ∉ᶜ Γ′
∉ᶜ-resp-≈ {Γ}{Γ′}{Γ₀} Γ≈ c∉ = c∉ ∘ ∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {Γ′}{Γ} (↭-sym Γ≈)
∈ᶜ-||⇒⊆ᶜ : ∀ {A : Type} {f : A → Cfg} {x} xs
→ x ∈ xs
→ || map f xs ⊆ᶜ Γ
→ f x ⊆ᶜ Γ
∈ᶜ-||⇒⊆ᶜ [] () _
∈ᶜ-||⇒⊆ᶜ (x ∷ []) (here refl) Γ⊆ = Γ⊆
∈ᶜ-||⇒⊆ᶜ {Γ = Γ} {f = f} (x ∷ xs@(_ ∷ _)) x∈ Γ⊆ =
case x∈ of λ where
(here refl) → Γ⊆ ∘ ∈ᶜ-++⁺ˡ (f x) (|| map f xs)
(there x∈) → ∈ᶜ-||⇒⊆ᶜ {Γ = Γ} xs x∈ (Γ⊆ ∘ ∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ (f x) (|| map f xs))
∉ᶜ-|| : ∀ {A : Type} {f : A → Cfg}
→ (∀ {x} → Γ ∉ᶜ f x)
→ ∀ xs → Γ ∉ᶜ || map f xs
∉ᶜ-|| Γ≢ [] ()
∉ᶜ-|| Γ∉ (_ ∷ []) Γ∈ = Γ∉ Γ∈
∉ᶜ-|| {f = f} Γ≢ (x ∷ xs@(_ ∷ _)) =
∈ᶜ-++⁻ (f x) (|| map f xs) >≡>
Sum.[ Γ≢
, ∉ᶜ-|| Γ≢ xs ]
private variable X Y : Type
collectFromBase : (BaseCfg → List X) → (Cfg → List X)
collectFromBase f = collectFromList f ∘ to[ Cfg′ ]
collectFromBase-++ : ⦃ I : BaseCfg has X ⦄ → ∀ l r → let f = collectFromBase (collect ⦃ I ⦄) in
f (l ∣ r) ≡ f l ++ f r
collectFromBase-++ l r rewrite cfgToList-++ l r | concatMap-++ collect (to[ Cfg′ ] l) (to[ Cfg′ ] r) = refl
mapMaybe∘collectFromBase-++ : ∀ ⦃ I : BaseCfg has X ⦄ (g : X → Maybe Y) l r →
let f = collectFromBase (collect ⦃ I ⦄) in
mapMaybe g (f (l ∣ r)) ≡ mapMaybe g (f l) ++ mapMaybe g (f r)
mapMaybe∘collectFromBase-++ ⦃ I ⦄ g l r = begin
mapMaybe g (f $ l ∣ r)
≡⟨ cong (mapMaybe g) (collectFromBase-++ l r) ⟩
mapMaybe g (f l ++ f r)
≡⟨ mapMaybe-++ g (f l) (f r) ⟩
mapMaybe g (f l) ++ mapMaybe g (f r)
∎ where open ≡-Reasoning
f = collectFromBase (collect ⦃ I ⦄)
∈-collect-++⁻ : ∀ l r {x : X} → ⦃ I : BaseCfg has X ⦄ → let f = collectFromBase (collect ⦃ I ⦄) in
x ∈ f (l ∣ r) → x ∈ f l ⊎ x ∈ f r
∈-collect-++⁻ {X = X} l r rewrite collectFromBase-++ {X = X} l r = ∈-++⁻ _
∈-collect-++⁺ˡ : ∀ l r {x : X} → ⦃ I : BaseCfg has X ⦄ → let f = collectFromBase (collect ⦃ I ⦄) in
x ∈ f l → x ∈ f (l ∣ r)
∈-collect-++⁺ˡ {X = X} l r rewrite collectFromBase-++ {X = X} l r = ∈-++⁺ˡ
∈-collect-++⁺ʳ : ∀ l r {x : X} → ⦃ I : BaseCfg has X ⦄ → let f = collectFromBase (collect ⦃ I ⦄) in
x ∈ f r → x ∈ f (l ∣ r)
∈-collect-++⁺ʳ {X = X} l r rewrite collectFromBase-++ {X = X} l r = ∈-++⁺ʳ _
HNᵃᶜ : Action has Name
HNᵃᶜ .collect ac with ac
... | ♯▷ ad = collect ad
... | x ▷ˢ ad = inj₁ x ∷ collect ad
... | x ▷ c = inj₁ x ∷ collect c
... | x ↔ y ▷⟨ _ , _ ⟩ = map inj₁ [ x ⨾ y ]
... | x ▷⟨ _ , _ , _ ⟩ = [ inj₁ x ]
... | x ▷ᵈ _ = [ inj₁ x ]
... | xs , _ ▷ᵈˢ x = map inj₁ (x ∷ xs)
HBC⇒HC′ : ⦃ BaseCfg has X ⦄ → Cfg′ has X
HBC⇒HC′ .collect = collectFromList (collect ⦃ it ⦄)
HC′⇒HC : ⦃ Cfg′ has X ⦄ → Cfg has X
HC′⇒HC ⦃ i ⦄ .collect = collect ⦃ i ⦄ ∘ to[ Cfg′ ]
HDᶜᶠ : BaseCfg has DepositRef
HDᶜᶠ .collect = λ where
(`⟨ A has v ⟩at x) → [ A , v , x ]
_ → []
HNᶜᶠ : BaseCfg has Name
HNᶜᶠ .collect = λ where
(`⟨ _ ∶ s ♯ _ ⟩) → [ inj₁ s ]
(_ `∶ s ♯ _) → [ inj₁ s ]
(`⟨ _ , _ ⟩at x) → [ inj₂ x ]
(`⟨ _ has _ ⟩at x) → [ inj₂ x ]
_ → []
HAᶜᶠ : BaseCfg has Action
HAᶜᶠ .collect = λ where
(_ `auth[ a ]) → [ a ]
_ → []
HAᵇᶜᶠ : BaseCfg has Ad
HAᵇᶜᶠ .collect = λ where
(A `auth[ ♯▷ ad ]) → if does (A ∈? Hon) then [ ad ] else []
_ → []
Hᶜᶠ⇒Hᵗᶜᶠ : ⦃ Cfg has X ⦄ → Cfgᵗ has X
Hᶜᶠ⇒Hᵗᶜᶠ ⦃ hx ⦄ .collect = collect ⦃ hx ⦄ ∘ cfg
authorizedActions : ⦃ _ : X has Action ⦄ → X → List Action
authorizedActions = collect
advertisements : ⦃ _ : X has Ad ⦄ → X → List Ad
advertisements = collect
authorizedHonAds = advertisements
ids-++ : ∀ l r → ids (l ∣ r) ≡ ids l ++ ids r
ids-++ = mapMaybe∘collectFromBase-++ isInj₂
∈-ids-++⁻ : ∀ l r {x : Id} → x ∈ ids (l ∣ r) → (x ∈ ids l) ⊎ (x ∈ ids r)
∈-ids-++⁻ l r rewrite ids-++ l r = ∈-++⁻ (ids l)
∈-ids-++⁺ˡ : ∀ l r → ids l ⊆ ids (l ∣ r)
∈-ids-++⁺ˡ l r rewrite ids-++ l r = ∈-++⁺ˡ
∈-ids-++⁺ʳ : ∀ l r → ids r ⊆ ids (l ∣ r)
∈-ids-++⁺ʳ l r rewrite ids-++ l r = ∈-++⁺ʳ (ids l)
destruct-∈-ids-++ : ∀ l r (x∈ : x ∈ ids (l ∣ r)) →
(∃ λ (x∈ˡ : x ∈ ids l) → x∈ ≡ ∈-ids-++⁺ˡ l r x∈ˡ)
⊎ (∃ λ (x∈ʳ : x ∈ ids r) → x∈ ≡ ∈-ids-++⁺ʳ l r x∈ʳ)
destruct-∈-ids-++ l r x∈ rewrite ids-++ l r = destruct-∈-++ x∈
secrets-++ : ∀ l r → secrets (l ∣ r) ≡ secrets l ++ secrets r
secrets-++ = mapMaybe∘collectFromBase-++ isInj₁
∈-secrets-++⁻ : ∀ l r {x : Id} → x ∈ secrets (l ∣ r) → (x ∈ secrets l) ⊎ (x ∈ secrets r)
∈-secrets-++⁻ l r rewrite secrets-++ l r = ∈-++⁻ (secrets l)
∈-secrets-++⁺ˡ : ∀ l r → secrets l ⊆ secrets (l ∣ r)
∈-secrets-++⁺ˡ l r rewrite secrets-++ l r = ∈-++⁺ˡ
∈-secrets-++⁺ʳ : ∀ l r → secrets r ⊆ secrets (l ∣ r)
∈-secrets-++⁺ʳ l r rewrite secrets-++ l r = ∈-++⁺ʳ (secrets l)
secretsOfᶜᶠ : Participant → Cfg → Secrets
secretsOfᶜᶠ A = go
go : Cfg → Secrets
go (⟨ B ∶ a ♯ _ ⟩) = if A == B then [ a ] else []
go (l ∣ r) = go l ++ go r
go _ = []
committedParticipants : Ad → Cfg → List Participant
committedParticipants ad = collect
module ∣committedParticipants∣ where
go : BaseCfg has Participant
go .collect = λ where
(p `auth[ (♯▷ ad′) ]) → if ad == ad′ then [ p ] else []
_ → []
committed⇒authCommit :
A ∈ committedParticipants ad Γ
→ A auth[ ♯▷ ad ] ∈ᶜ Γ
committed⇒authCommit {ad = ad} {Γ = _ auth[ ♯▷ ad′ ]} A∈
with ad ≟ ad′ | A∈
... | yes refl | here refl = here refl
committed⇒authCommit {A}{ad} {Γ = l ∣ r} A∈
with ∈-collect-++⁻ l r ⦃ ∣committedParticipants∣.go ad ⦄ A∈
... | inj₁ A∈ˡ = ∈ᶜ-++⁺ˡ l r (committed⇒authCommit {Γ = l} A∈ˡ)
... | inj₂ A∈ʳ = ∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ l r (committed⇒authCommit {Γ = r} A∈ʳ)
module _ (A∈ : A ∈ Hon) where
committed⇒authAd :
A ∈ committedParticipants ad Γ
→ ad ∈ authorizedHonAds Γ
committed⇒authAd {ad} {p auth[ ♯▷ ad′ ]} P
with ad ≟ ad′ | P
... | no _ | ()
... | yes ad≡ | here refl
rewrite dec-true (A ∈? Hon) A∈
= here ad≡
committed⇒authAd {ad} {l ∣ r} P
with ∈-collect-++⁻ l r ⦃ ∣committedParticipants∣.go ad ⦄ P
... | inj₁ ∈l = ∈-collect-++⁺ˡ l r (committed⇒authAd {Γ = l} ∈l)
... | inj₂ ∈r = ∈-collect-++⁺ʳ l r (committed⇒authAd {Γ = r} ∈r)
committedSingle≡ : committedParticipants ad (A auth[ ♯▷ ad ]) ≡ [ A ]
committedSingle≡ {ad} rewrite ≟-refl ad = refl
committedPartG≡ : ∀ ps → committedParticipants ad (|| map (_auth[ ♯▷ ad ]) ps) ≡ ps
committedPartG≡ [] = refl
committedPartG≡ (_ ∷ []) = committedSingle≡
committedPartG≡ {ad} (p ∷ ps@(_ ∷ _)) =
committedParticipants ad (|| (p auth[ ♯▷ ad ] ∷ map (_auth[ ♯▷ ad ]) ps))
committedParticipants ad (|| (p auth[ ♯▷ ad ] ∷ map (_auth[ ♯▷ ad ]) ps))
≡⟨ collectFromBase-++ ⦃ ∣committedParticipants∣.go ad ⦄ (p auth[ ♯▷ ad ]) (|| map (_auth[ ♯▷ ad ]) ps) ⟩
committedParticipants ad (p auth[ ♯▷ ad ]) ++ committedParticipants ad (|| map (_auth[ ♯▷ ad ]) ps)
≡⟨ cong (_++ committedParticipants ad (|| map (_auth[ ♯▷ ad ]) ps)) committedSingle≡ ⟩
p ∷ committedParticipants ad (|| map (_auth[ ♯▷ ad ]) ps)
≡⟨ cong (p ∷_) (committedPartG≡ ps) ⟩
p ∷ ps
∎ where open ≡-Reasoning
≈⇒names↭ : Γ ≈ Γ′ → Γ ↭⦅ names ⦆ Γ′
≈⇒names↭ = collectFromList↭ (collect ⦃ it ⦄)
≈⇒ads↭ : Γ ≈ Γ′ → Γ ↭⦅ advertisements ⦆ Γ′
≈⇒ads↭ = collectFromList↭ (collect ⦃ it ⦄)
≈⇒namesʳ↭ : Γ ≈ Γ′ → Γ ↭⦅ namesʳ ⦆ Γ′
≈⇒namesʳ↭ {Γ}{Γ′} eq = mapMaybe-↭ isInj₂ $ ≈⇒names↭ {Γ}{Γ′} eq
≈⇒namesˡ↭ : Γ ≈ Γ′ → Γ ↭⦅ namesˡ ⦆ Γ′
≈⇒namesˡ↭ {Γ}{Γ′} eq = mapMaybe-↭ isInj₁ $ ≈⇒names↭ {Γ}{Γ′} eq
≈⇒deposits↭ : Γ ≈ Γ′ → Γ ↭⦅ deposits ⦆ Γ′
≈⇒deposits↭ = collectFromList↭ (collect ⦃ it ⦄)
∈-resp-≈ : ∀ {Z Z′ A : Type} → ⦃ _ : A has Z ⦄ → ⦃ _ : ISetoid A ⦄
→ (f : ∀ {X} → ⦃ X has Z ⦄ → X → List Z′)
→ (∀ {a a′ : A} → a ≈ a′ → a ↭⦅ f ⦆ a′)
→ ∀ (z : Z′) → (λ ◆ → z ∈ f ◆) Respects _≈_
∈-resp-≈ _ ≈⇒↭ x = ∈-resp-↭ ∘ ≈⇒↭
∈ads-resp-≈ = ∈-resp-≈ advertisements (λ {Γ}{Γ′} → ≈⇒ads↭ {Γ}{Γ′})
∈names-resp-≈ = ∈-resp-≈ names (λ {Γ}{Γ′} → ≈⇒names↭ {Γ}{Γ′})
∈namesˡ-resp-≈ = ∈-resp-≈ namesˡ (λ {Γ}{Γ′} → ≈⇒namesˡ↭ {Γ}{Γ′})
∈namesʳ-resp-≈ = ∈-resp-≈ namesʳ (λ {Γ}{Γ′} → ≈⇒namesʳ↭ {Γ}{Γ′})
∈deposits-resp-≈ = ∈-resp-≈ deposits (λ {Γ}{Γ′} → ≈⇒deposits↭ {Γ}{Γ′})
↭-sym∘≈⇒names↭ :
(Γ≈ : Γ ≈ Γ′)
→ ↭-sym (≈⇒names↭ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈)
≡ ≈⇒names↭ {Γ′}{Γ} (↭-sym Γ≈)
↭-sym∘≈⇒names↭ = ↭-sym∘concatMap⁺ names
↭-sym∘≈⇒namesʳ↭ :
(Γ≈ : Γ ≈ Γ′)
→ ↭-sym (≈⇒namesʳ↭ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈)
≡ ≈⇒namesʳ↭ {Γ′}{Γ} (↭-sym Γ≈)
↭-sym∘≈⇒namesʳ↭ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈ =
↭-sym (≈⇒namesʳ↭ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈)
≡⟨ ↭-sym∘mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂ $ ≈⇒names↭ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈ ⟩
mapMaybe-↭ isInj₂ (↭-sym $ ≈⇒names↭ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈)
≡⟨ cong (mapMaybe-↭ isInj₂) $ ↭-sym∘≈⇒names↭ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈ ⟩
≈⇒namesʳ↭ {Γ′}{Γ} (↭-sym Γ≈)
∎ where open ≡-Reasoning
deposit∈Γ⇒namesʳ : ∀ {Γ}
→ ⟨ A has v ⟩at x ∈ᶜ Γ
→ x ∈ namesʳ Γ
deposit∈Γ⇒namesʳ {A} {v} {x} {` _} (here ())
deposit∈Γ⇒namesʳ {A} {v} {x} {⟨ _ , _ ⟩at _} (here ())
deposit∈Γ⇒namesʳ {A} {v} {x} {⟨ _ has _ ⟩at .x} (here refl) = here refl
deposit∈Γ⇒namesʳ {A} {v} {x} {_ auth[ _ ]} (here ())
deposit∈Γ⇒namesʳ {A} {v} {x} {⟨ _ ∶ _ ♯ _ ⟩} (here ())
deposit∈Γ⇒namesʳ {A} {v} {x} {_ ∶ _ ♯ _} (here ())
deposit∈Γ⇒namesʳ {A} {v} {x} {l ∣ r} d∈
with ∈ᶜ-++⁻ l r d∈
... | inj₁ d∈ˡ = let _ , x∈ , d≡ = ∈-mapMaybe⁻ isInj₂ (deposit∈Γ⇒namesʳ {Γ = l} d∈ˡ)
in ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂ (∈-collect-++⁺ˡ l r x∈) d≡
... | inj₂ d∈ʳ = let _ , x∈ , d≡ = ∈-mapMaybe⁻ isInj₂ (deposit∈Γ⇒namesʳ {Γ = r} d∈ʳ)
in ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂ (∈-collect-++⁺ʳ l r x∈) d≡
namesʳ-∥map-authDestroy : ∀ (ds : DepositRefs)
→ map (proj₂ ∘ proj₂) ds ⊆ namesʳ (|| map (uncurry₃ ⟨_has_⟩at_) ds)
namesʳ-∥map-authDestroy (_ ∷ []) (here refl) = here refl
namesʳ-∥map-authDestroy (_ ∷ _ ∷ _) (here refl) = here refl
namesʳ-∥map-authDestroy ((Bᵢ , vᵢ , xᵢ) ∷ ds@(_ ∷ _)) (there d∈) = there $ (namesʳ-∥map-authDestroy ds) d∈
n≡ : ∀ {A : Type} {P Q : A → Cfg}
→ (∀ x → Null $ namesʳ (Q x) )
→ (xs : List A)
→ namesʳ (|| map (λ x → P x ∣ Q x) xs)
≡ namesʳ (|| map P xs)
n≡ ∀x [] = refl
n≡ {P = P}{Q} ∀x (x₁ ∷ []) = P∣Q≡
P∣Q≡ : namesʳ (P x₁ ∣ Q x₁) ≡ namesʳ (P x₁)
P∣Q≡ rewrite mapMaybe∘collectFromBase-++ isInj₂ (P x₁) (Q x₁)
| ∀x x₁
| L.++-identityʳ (namesʳ $ P x₁)
= refl
n≡ {P = P}{Q} ∀x (x₁ ∷ xs@(_ ∷ _)) =
namesʳ (|| (P x₁ ∣ Q x₁ ∷ map (λ x → P x ∣ Q x) xs))
namesʳ (P x₁ ∣ Q x₁ ∣ || map (λ x → P x ∣ Q x) xs)
≡⟨ mapMaybe∘collectFromBase-++ isInj₂ (P x₁ ∣ Q x₁) (|| map (λ x → P x ∣ Q x) xs) ⟩
namesʳ (P x₁ ∣ Q x₁) ++ namesʳ (|| map (λ x → P x ∣ Q x) xs)
≡⟨ cong (_++ namesʳ (|| map (λ x → P x ∣ Q x) xs)) P∣Q≡ ⟩
namesʳ (P x₁) ++ namesʳ (|| map (λ x → P x ∣ Q x) xs)
≡⟨ cong (namesʳ (P x₁) ++_) $ n≡ {P = P}{Q} ∀x xs ⟩
namesʳ (P x₁) ++ namesʳ (|| map P xs)
≡⟨ sym $ mapMaybe∘collectFromBase-++ isInj₂ (P x₁) (|| map P xs) ⟩
namesʳ (|| (P x₁ ∷ map P xs))
open ≡-Reasoning
P∣Q≡ : namesʳ (P x₁ ∣ Q x₁) ≡ namesʳ (P x₁)
P∣Q≡ rewrite collectFromBase-++ {X = Name} (P x₁) (Q x₁)
| mapMaybe-++ isInj₂ (names $ P x₁) (names $ Q x₁)
| ∀x x₁
| L.++-identityʳ (namesʳ $ P x₁)
= refl
namesʳ-∥map-destroy : ∀ (ds : DepositRefs) → let xs = map (proj₂ ∘ proj₂) ds in
xs ⊆ namesʳ (|| map (λ{ (i , Aᵢ , vᵢ , xᵢ) → ⟨ Aᵢ has vᵢ ⟩at xᵢ ∣ Aᵢ auth[ xs , ‼-map {xs = ds} i ▷ᵈˢ y ] }) (enumerate ds))
namesʳ-∥map-destroy {y = y} ds {x} x∈ = qed
x̂ = map (proj₂ ∘ proj₂) ds
eds = enumerate ds
P : DepositRef → Cfg
P (Aᵢ , vᵢ , xᵢ) = ⟨ Aᵢ has vᵢ ⟩at xᵢ
P′ : ∀ {A : Type} → A × DepositRef → Cfg
P′ = P ∘ proj₂
Q P∣Q : Index ds × DepositRef → Cfg
Q (i , Aᵢ , vᵢ , xᵢ) = Aᵢ auth[ x̂ , ‼-map {xs = ds} i ▷ᵈˢ y ]
P∣Q x = P′ x ∣ Q x
h : namesʳ (|| map P∣Q eds)
≡ namesʳ (|| map P′ eds)
h = n≡ {A = Index ds × DepositRef} {P = P′} {Q = Q} (λ _ → refl) eds
h′ : ∀ (ds : DepositRefs) → map P′ (enumerate ds) ≡ map P ds
h′ [] = refl
h′ (pvi ∷ ds) = cong (_ ∷_) qed
rec : map P′ (zip (L.tabulate {n = length ds} (fsuc ∘ id)) ds)
≡ map (P′ ∘ map₁ fsuc) (zip (L.tabulate {n = length ds} id) ds)
rec = map∘zip∘tabulate⟨fsuc⟩≈map⟨fsuc⟩∘zip∘tabulate {m = length ds} ds {P = P′} {f = id}
qed : map P′ (zip (L.tabulate {n = length ds} fsuc) ds)
≡ map P ds
qed = trans rec (h′ ds)
qed : x ∈ namesʳ (|| map P∣Q eds)
qed rewrite h | h′ ds = namesʳ-∥map-authDestroy ds x∈
namesʳ-∥map-authCommit : ∀ {secrets : List (Secret × Maybe ℕ)} → let (as , ms) = unzip secrets in
as ⊆ namesˡ (|| map (uncurry ⟨ A ∶_♯_⟩) secrets)
namesʳ-∥map-authCommit {secrets = `∅ᶜ} ()
namesʳ-∥map-authCommit {secrets = (_ , _) ∷ []} (here refl) = here refl
namesʳ-∥map-authCommit {secrets = (_ , _) ∷ ss@(_ ∷ _)} (here refl) = here refl
namesʳ-∥map-authCommit {secrets = _ ∷ ss@(_ ∷ _)} (there a∈) = there (namesʳ-∥map-authCommit {secrets = ss} a∈)
x∈vcis⇒¬fresh : ∀ {vcis : VIContracts}
→ ⟨ c , v ⟩at x ∈ᶜ || map (uncurry₃ $ flip ⟨_,_⟩at_) vcis
→ x ∈ select₃ (unzip₃ vcis)
x∈vcis⇒¬fresh {vcis = _ ∷ []} = λ where
(here refl) → here refl
x∈vcis⇒¬fresh {vcis = _ ∷ vs@(_ ∷ _)} = λ where
(here refl) → here refl
(there c∈) → there $ x∈vcis⇒¬fresh {vcis = vs} c∈
c∈vcis⇒ : ∀ {vcis : VIContracts}
→ ⟨ c , v ⟩at x ∈ᶜ || map (uncurry₃ $ flip ⟨_,_⟩at_) vcis
→ c ∈ proj₁ (proj₂ $ unzip₃ vcis)
c∈vcis⇒ {vcis = _ ∷ []} = λ where
(here refl) → here refl
c∈vcis⇒ {vcis = _ ∷ vs@(_ ∷ _)} = λ where
(here refl) → here refl
(there c∈) → there $ c∈vcis⇒ {vcis = vs} c∈
c∈vcis⇒′ : ∀ {vcis : VIContracts} →
(vs , cs , _) = unzip₃ vcis
vcs = zip vs cs
⟨ c , v ⟩at x ∈ᶜ || map (uncurry₃ $ flip ⟨_,_⟩at_) vcis
→ c ∈ map proj₂ vcs
c∈vcis⇒′ {vcis = _ ∷ []} = λ where
(here refl) → here refl
c∈vcis⇒′ {vcis = _ ∷ vs@(_ ∷ _)} = λ where
(here refl) → here refl
(there c∈) → there $ c∈vcis⇒′ {vcis = vs} c∈
x∈vcis⇒ : ∀ {vcis : VIContracts}
→ x ∈ ids (|| map (uncurry₃ $ flip ⟨_,_⟩at_) vcis)
→ x ∈ select₃ (unzip₃ vcis)
x∈vcis⇒ {vcis = _ ∷ []} = λ where
(here refl) → here refl
x∈vcis⇒ {vcis = _ ∷ vs@(_ ∷ _)} = λ where
(here refl) → here refl
(there c∈) → there $ x∈vcis⇒ {vcis = vs} c∈
IsComposite IsBase : Pred₀ Cfg
IsComposite = λ where
(_ ∣ _) → ⊤
_ → ⊥
IsBase = λ where
∅ᶜ → ⊥
(_ ∣ _) → ⊥
_ → ⊤
¬base×composite : ∀ Γ → ¬ (IsBase Γ × IsComposite Γ)
¬base×composite = λ where
∅ᶜ (() , _)
(_ ∣ _) (() , _)
(` _) (_ , ())
(⟨ _ has _ ⟩at _) (_ , ())
(⟨ _ , _ ⟩at _) (_ , ())
(_ auth[ _ ]) (_ , ())
(⟨ _ ∶ _ ♯ _ ⟩) (_ , ())
(_ ∶ _ ♯ _) (_ , ())
Split-∣ : (∃ IsComposite) -splitsInto- Cfg
Split-∣ .mkSplit ((l ∣ r) , tt) = l , r
IsBase-BaseCfg : ∀ (`γ : BaseCfg)
→ IsBase (to[ Cfg ] `γ)
IsBase-BaseCfg = λ where
(`` _) → tt
(`⟨ _ , _ ⟩at _) → tt
(`⟨ _ has _ ⟩at _) → tt
(_ `auth[ _ ]) → tt
`⟨ _ ∶ _ ♯ _ ⟩ → tt
(_ `∶ _ ♯ _) → tt
∈ᶜ⇒IsBase : ∀ {γ Γ}
→ γ ∈ᶜ Γ
→ IsBase γ
∈ᶜ⇒IsBase {γ = γ} γ∈
with `γ , `γ∈ , eq ← ∈-map⁻ to[ Cfg ] γ∈
= subst IsBase (sym eq) $ IsBase-BaseCfg `γ
Squashed-IsBase : ∀ {Γ} → · (IsBase Γ)
Squashed-IsBase {Γ} .∀≡ with Γ
... | ∅ᶜ = λ ()
... | _ ∣ _ = λ ()
... | ` _ = λ tt tt → refl
... | ⟨ _ has _ ⟩at _ = λ tt tt → refl
... | ⟨ _ , _ ⟩at _ = λ tt tt → refl
... | _ auth[ _ ] = λ tt tt → refl
... | ⟨ _ ∶ _ ♯ _ ⟩ = λ tt tt → refl
... | _ ∶ _ ♯ _ = λ tt tt → refl
Cfg↝BaseCfg : Cfg ⁇ IsBase ↝ BaseCfg
Cfg↝BaseCfg .toBecause (` ad) = `` ad
Cfg↝BaseCfg .toBecause (⟨ c , v ⟩at x) = `⟨ c , v ⟩at x
Cfg↝BaseCfg .toBecause (⟨ A has v ⟩at x) = `⟨ A has v ⟩at x
Cfg↝BaseCfg .toBecause (A auth[ a ]) = A `auth[ a ]
Cfg↝BaseCfg .toBecause (⟨ A ∶ s ♯ mn ⟩) = `⟨ A ∶ s ♯ mn ⟩
Cfg↝BaseCfg .toBecause (A ∶ s ♯ n) = A `∶ s ♯ n
_ : ⌞ ⟨ c , v ⟩at x ⌟ ≡ `⟨ c , v ⟩at x
_ = refl
IsBase-to[Cfg] : ∀ (β : BaseCfg) → IsBase (to[ Cfg ] β)
IsBase-to[Cfg] = λ where
(`` _) → tt
(`⟨ _ , _ ⟩at _) → tt
(`⟨ _ has _ ⟩at _) → tt
(_ `auth[ _ ]) → tt
`⟨ _ ∶ _ ♯ _ ⟩ → tt
(_ `∶ _ ♯ _) → tt
to[Cfg]-inverseˡ : ∀ (β : BaseCfg) →
((λ _ → ⌞ _ ⊣ IsBase-to[Cfg] β ⌟) ∘ to[ Cfg ]) β ≡ β
to[Cfg]-inverseˡ = λ where
(`` _) → refl
(`⟨ _ , _ ⟩at _) → refl
(`⟨ _ has _ ⟩at _) → refl
(_ `auth[ _ ]) → refl
`⟨ _ ∶ _ ♯ _ ⟩ → refl
(_ `∶ _ ♯ _) → refl
to[Cfg]-inverseʳ : ∀ (γ : Cfg) (base-γ : IsBase γ) →
(to[ Cfg ] ∘ (λ _ → ⌞ _ ⊣ base-γ ⌟)) γ ≡ γ
to[Cfg]-inverseʳ = λ where
(` _) _ → refl
(⟨ _ , _ ⟩at _) _ → refl
(⟨ _ has _ ⟩at _) _ → refl
(_ auth[ _ ]) _ → refl
⟨ _ ∶ _ ♯ _ ⟩ _ → refl
(_ ∶ _ ♯ _) _ → refl
open import Prelude.InferenceRules
open import Prelude.Tactics.Rewrite
toCfg≡ : ∀ γ (β : BaseCfg) →
(γ≡ : γ ≡ to[ Cfg ] β) →
let base-γ = ⟪ IsBase ⟫ γ≡ ~: IsBase-to[Cfg] β
in ⌞ γ ⊣ base-γ ⌟ ≡ β
toCfg≡ (` ) (`` _) refl = refl
toCfg≡ (⟨ _ , _ ⟩at _) (`⟨ _ , _ ⟩at _) refl = refl
toCfg≡ (⟨ _ has _ ⟩at _) (`⟨ _ has _ ⟩at _) refl = refl
toCfg≡ (_ auth[ _ ]) (_ `auth[ _ ]) refl = refl
toCfg≡ ⟨ _ ∶ _ ♯ _ ⟩ `⟨ _ ∶ _ ♯ _ ⟩ refl = refl
toCfg≡ (_ ∶ _ ♯ _) (_ `∶ _ ♯ _) refl = refl
∈-Cfg′ : ∀ γ Γ
→ (γ∈ : γ ∈ᶜ Γ)
→ ⌞ γ ⊣ ∈ᶜ⇒IsBase {Γ = Γ} γ∈ ⌟ ∈ to[ Cfg′ ] Γ
∈-Cfg′ γ Γ γ∈ =
let β , β∈ , eq = L.Mem.∈-map⁻ to[ Cfg ] γ∈
in (trans $ toCfg≡ _ _ eq) β∈
∈-resp-↭∘∈-Cfg′ : ∀ γ Γ Γ′
→ (Γ≈ : Γ ≈ Γ′)
→ (γ∈ : γ ∈ᶜ Γ)
→ ( ∈-Cfg′ _ Γ′
∘ ∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈
) γ∈
≡ ( ∈-resp-↭ Γ≈
∘ ∈-Cfg′ _ Γ
) γ∈
∈-resp-↭∘∈-Cfg′ γ Γ Γ′ Γ≈ γ∈
= begin
( ∈-Cfg′ _ Γ′
∘ ∈-resp-↭ (map⁺ to[ Cfg ] Γ≈)
) γ∈
( (λ{ (β , β∈ , eq) → (trans $ toCfg≡ _ _ eq) β∈})
∘ ∈-map⁻ to[ Cfg ]
∘ ∈-resp-↭ (map⁺ to[ Cfg ] Γ≈)
) γ∈
≡⟨ cong (λ{ (β , β∈ , eq) → (trans $ toCfg≡ _ _ eq) β∈})
$ ∈-map⁻∘∈-resp-↭∘map⁺ to[ Cfg ] Γ≈ γ∈ ⟩
( (λ{ (β , β∈ , eq) → (trans $ toCfg≡ _ _ eq) β∈})
∘ map₂′ (map₁ $ ∈-resp-↭ Γ≈)
∘ ∈-map⁻ to[ Cfg ]
) γ∈
( (λ{ (β , β∈ , eq) → (trans $ toCfg≡ _ _ eq) (∈-resp-↭ Γ≈ β∈)})
∘ ∈-map⁻ to[ Cfg ]
) γ∈
≡⟨ (let β , β∈ , eq = ∈-map⁻ to[ Cfg ] γ∈
in Any-map∘∈-resp-↭ (trans $ toCfg≡ γ β eq) Γ≈ β∈) ⟩
( (λ{ (β , β∈ , eq) → ∈-resp-↭ Γ≈ $ (trans $ toCfg≡ _ _ eq) β∈})
∘ ∈-map⁻ to[ Cfg ]
) γ∈
( ∈-resp-↭ Γ≈
∘ ∈-Cfg′ _ Γ
) γ∈
∎ where open ≡-Reasoning