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open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open import Prelude.Maybes
open import Prelude.Lists
open import Prelude.Membership
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.Nary
open import Prelude.Ord
open import Prelude.General
open import Prelude.InferenceRules
open import Prelude.Split renaming (split to mkSplit)

open import BitML.BasicTypes
open import BitML.Predicate

module BitML.Semantics.RuleMatching ( : ) (let open  ) where

open import BitML.Contracts  hiding (d)
open import BitML.Semantics.Action 
open import BitML.Semantics.Configurations.Types 
open import BitML.Semantics.Configurations.Helpers 
open import BitML.Semantics.Label 
open import BitML.Semantics.Predicate 
open import BitML.Semantics.InferenceRules 

-- ** types of steps

isControl isWithdraw isPut isSplit : Pred₀ (Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′)
isControl = λ where
  ([C-Control] _ _ _ _)  
isWithdraw = λ where
  ([C-Withdraw] _)  
isPut = λ where
  ([C-PutRev] _ _)  
isSplit = λ where
  ([C-Split] _)  

isAction isDelay isTimeout : Pred₀ (Γₜ —[ α ]→ₜ Γₜ′)
isDelay = λ where
  ([Delay] _)  
isAction = λ where
  ([Action] _ _)  
isTimeout = λ where
  ([Timeout] _ _ _ _)  

isWithdraw⇒¬isControl :  (st : Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′)  isWithdraw st  ¬ isControl st
isWithdraw⇒¬isControl ([C-Withdraw] _) tt ()

isPut⇒¬isControl :  (st : Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′)  isPut st  ¬ isControl st
isPut⇒¬isControl ([C-PutRev] _ _) tt ()

isSplit⇒¬isControl :  (st : Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′)  isSplit st  ¬ isControl st
isSplit⇒¬isControl ([C-Split] _) tt ()

isControl⇒cv≡ :  (st : Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′)  {isControl st}  Is-just (cv α)
isControl⇒cv≡ ([C-Control] _ _ _ cv≡) = mk-Is-just cv≡

cv≡⇒st :
   (st : Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′) 
   Is-just (cv α)
    isWithdraw st
   isPut st
   isSplit st
   isControl st
cv≡⇒st ([C-Withdraw] _) _ = inj₁ tt
cv≡⇒st ([C-PutRev] _ _) _ = inj₂ $ inj₁ tt
cv≡⇒st ([C-Split] _) _ = inj₂ $ inj₂ $ inj₁ tt
cv≡⇒st ([C-Control] _ _ _ _) _ = inj₂ $ inj₂ $ inj₂ tt

¬delay : ¬ (Γ —[ delay⦅ δ  ]→ Γ′)
¬delay ([C-Control] _ _ _ ())

-- ** extracting inner subexpressions from a rule

innerL : (st : Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′)  {isControl st}  Cfg
innerL ([C-Control] {c}{L = L}{v}{x} {i = i} _ _ _ _) =
   [ removeTopDecorations (c  i) ] , v ⟩at x  L

innerStep : (st : Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′)  {p : isControl st}  innerL st {p} —[ α ]→ Γ′
innerStep ([C-Control] _ _ L→ _) = L→

innerCI : (st : Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′)  {isControl st}   λ (c : Contract)  Index c
innerCI ([C-Control] {c = c} {i = i} _ _ _ _) = c , i

innerLₜ : (stₜ : Γₜ —[ α ]→ₜ Γₜ′)  {isTimeout stₜ}  Cfg
innerLₜ ([Timeout] {c = c} {v = v} {x = x} {Γ = Γ} {i = i} _ _ _ _) =
   [ removeTopDecorations (c  i) ] , v ⟩at x  Γ

innerStepₜ : (stₜ : Γₜ —[ α ]→ₜ (Γ′ at t′))  {p : isTimeout stₜ} 
  innerLₜ stₜ {p} —[ α ]→ Γ′
innerStepₜ ([Timeout] _ _ Γ→ _) = Γ→

innerCIₜ : (stₜ : Γₜ —[ α ]→ₜ Γₜ′)  {isTimeout stₜ}   λ (c : Contract)  Index c
innerCIₜ ([Timeout] {c = c} {i = i} _ _ _ _) = c , i

innerDₜ : (stₜ : Γₜ —[ α ]→ₜ Γₜ′)  {isTimeout stₜ}  Branch
innerDₜ st {isT} = let c , i = innerCIₜ st {isT}; open ∣SELECT c i in d

innerVₜ : (stₜ : Γₜ —[ α ]→ₜ Γₜ′)  {isTimeout stₜ}  Value
innerVₜ ([Timeout] {v = v} _ _ _ _) = v

innerXₜ : (stₜ : Γₜ —[ α ]→ₜ Γₜ′)  {isTimeout stₜ}  Id
innerXₜ ([Timeout] {x = x} _ _ _ _) = x

innerΓₜ : (stₜ : Γₜ —[ α ]→ₜ Γₜ′)  {isTimeout stₜ}  Cfg
innerΓₜ ([Timeout] {Γ = Γ} _ _ _ _) = Γ

-- ** splitting a step into source and target configuration
  Split-step : (Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′) -splitsInto- Cfg
  Split-step {Γ = Γ} {Γ′ = Γ′} .mkSplit _ = Γ , Γ′

  Split-stepₜ : (Γₜ —[ α ]→ₜ Γₜ′) -splitsInto- Cfgᵗ
  Split-stepₜ {Γₜ = Γₜ} {Γₜ′ = Γₜ′} .mkSplit _ = Γₜ , Γₜ′

isControl⇒IsComposite :
   (st : Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′) 
   isControl st
    IsComposite (st ∙left)
isControl⇒IsComposite ([C-Control] _ _ _ _) tt = tt

timeout∙left-base :
   (stₜ : Γₜ —[ α ]→ₜ Γₜ′) 
   (isT : isTimeout stₜ) 
  let st = innerStepₜ stₜ {isT} in
   (isC : isControl st) 
  IsBase $ (st ∙left , isControl⇒IsComposite st isC) ∙left
timeout∙left-base ([Timeout] _ _ _ _) tt isC = tt

control∙left-composite :
   (st : Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′) 
   (isC : isControl st) 
    IsComposite $ (st ∙left , isControl⇒IsComposite st isC) ∙left
control∙left-composite ([C-Control] _ _ _ _) tt = tt

timeout⇒¬control :
   (stₜ : Γₜ —[ α ]→ₜ Γₜ′) 
   (p : isTimeout stₜ) 
    ¬ isControl (innerStepₜ stₜ {p})
timeout⇒¬control stₜ@([Timeout] _ _ Γ→ _) isT@tt isC =
    ((Γ→ ∙left , isControl⇒IsComposite Γ→ isC) ∙left)
    ( timeout∙left-base stₜ isT isC
    , control∙left-composite Γ→ isC )

-- **

match-withdraw :
   (step : Γ —[ withdraw⦅ A , v , y  ]→ Γ′) 
   ¬ isControl step
   λ Γ₀   λ x 
    (Γ    [ withdraw A ] , v ⟩at y  Γ₀)
  × (Γ′   A has v ⟩at x  Γ₀)
  × (x  y L.∷ ids Γ₀)
match-withdraw ([C-Withdraw] x∉) _ = -, -, refl , refl , x∉
match-withdraw ([C-Control] _ _ _ _) ¬ctrl = ⊥-elim $ ¬ctrl tt

match-put :
   (step : Γ —[ put⦅ xs , as , y  ]→ Γ′) 
   ¬ isControl step
   λ ds   λ ss   λ p   λ c   λ v   λ Γ₀   λ z 
  let (_ , vs , _xs) = unzip₃ ds
      (_ , _as , _)  = unzip₃ ss
       = || map (uncurry₃ ⟨_has_⟩at_) ds
      Δ = || map (uncurry₃ _∶_♯_) ss
      ΔΓ′ = Δ  Γ₀
  in (Γ    [ put xs &reveal as if p  c ] , v ⟩at y  (  ΔΓ′))
   × (Γ′   c , v + sum vs ⟩at z  ΔΓ′)
   × (xs  _xs)
   × (as  _as)
   × (z  y L.∷ ids (  ΔΓ′))
   × ( p ⟧ᵖ Δ  just true)
match-put ([C-PutRev] {ds = ds}{ss} fresh-z p≡) _ =
  ds , ss , -, -, -, -, -, refl , refl , refl , refl , fresh-z , p≡
match-put ([C-Control] _ _ _ _) ¬ctrl = ⊥-elim $ ¬ctrl tt

match-split :
   (step : Γ —[ split⦅ y  ]→ Γ′) 
   ¬ isControl step
   λ vcis   λ Γ₀   λ y 
  let vs , cs , ys = unzip₃ vcis
  in (Γ    [ split (zip vs cs) ] , sum vs ⟩at y  Γ₀)
   × (Γ′  || map (uncurry₃ $ flip ⟨_,_⟩at_) vcis  Γ₀)
   × All (_∉ y L.∷ ids Γ₀) ys
match-split ([C-Split] {vcis = vcis} fresh-ys) _ =
  vcis , -, -, refl , refl , fresh-ys
match-split ([C-Control] _ _ _ _) ¬ctrl = ⊥-elim $ ¬ctrl tt

match-authDestroy :  {j′ : Index xs} 
  Γ —[ auth-destroy⦅ A , xs , j′  ]→ Γ′
   λ ds   λ Γ₀   λ y   λ (j : Index ds) 
  let _xs = map select₃ ds
      _Aⱼ = proj₁ (ds  j)
      _j′ = ‼-map {xs = ds} j
      Δ  = || map (uncurry₃ ⟨_has_⟩at_) ds
  in (Γ   Δ  Γ₀)
   × (Γ′  Δ  _Aⱼ auth[ _xs , _j′ ▷ᵈˢ y ]  Γ₀)
   × (A  _Aⱼ)
   ×  λ (xs≡ : xs  _xs)
    (j′  subst Index (sym xs≡) _j′)
   × (y  ids Γ₀)
match-authDestroy ([DEP-AuthDestroy] {Γ = Γ₀} {ds = ds}{j} fresh-y) =
  ds , -, -, j , refl , refl , refl , refl , refl , fresh-y

⟨⟩∘∣-injective :  {d d′} 
  (Cfg   [ d ] , v ⟩at x  Γ)  ( [ d′ ] , v′ ⟩at x′  Γ′)
  (d  d′) × (v  v′) × (x  x′) × (Γ  Γ′)
⟨⟩∘∣-injective refl = refl , refl , refl , refl

match-withdrawₜ :
   (stepₜ : Γ at t —[ withdraw⦅ A , v , y  ]→ₜ Γ′ at t) 
   (isT : isTimeout stepₜ) 
  let d = innerDₜ stepₜ {isT} in
   λ Γ₀   λ x 
    (d ≡⋯∶ withdraw A)
  × (innerVₜ stepₜ {isT}  v)
  × (innerXₜ stepₜ {isT}  y)
  × (innerΓₜ stepₜ {isT}  Γ₀)
  × (Γ′   A has v ⟩at x  Γ₀)
  × (x  y L.∷ ids Γ₀)
match-withdrawₜ stepₜ@([Timeout] {c = c} {i = i} As≡∅ ∀t≤ Γ→ refl) tt
  with Γ₀ , x , Γ≡ , ⋯⋯match-withdraw Γ→ (timeout⇒¬control stepₜ tt)
  with d≡ , v≡ , x≡ , Γ≡′⟨⟩∘∣-injective Γ≡
  = Γ₀ , x , d≡ , v≡ , x≡ , Γ≡′ , ⋯⋯

match-putₜ :
   (stepₜ : Γ at t —[ put⦅ xs , as , y  ]→ₜ Γ′ at t) 
   (isT : isTimeout stepₜ) 
  let d = innerDₜ stepₜ {isT} in
   λ ds   λ ss   λ p   λ c   λ v   λ Γ₀   λ z 
  let (_ , vs , _xs) = unzip₃ ds
      (_ , _as , _)  = unzip₃ ss
       = || map (uncurry₃ ⟨_has_⟩at_) ds
      Δ = || map (uncurry₃ _∶_♯_) ss
      ΔΓ′ = Δ  Γ₀
    (d ≡⋯∶ put xs &reveal as if p  c)
  × (innerVₜ stepₜ {isT}  v)
  × (innerXₜ stepₜ {isT}  y)
  × (innerΓₜ stepₜ {isT}  (  ΔΓ′))
  × (Γ′   c , v + sum vs ⟩at z  ΔΓ′)
  × (xs  _xs)
  × (as  _as)
  × (z  y L.∷ ids (  ΔΓ′))
  × ( p ⟧ᵖ Δ  just true)
match-putₜ stepₜ@([Timeout] {c = c} {i = i} As≡∅ ∀t≤ Γ→ refl) tt
  with ds , ss , p , c , v , Γ₀ , z , Γ≡ , ⋯⋯match-put Γ→ (timeout⇒¬control stepₜ tt)
  with d≡ , v≡ , x≡ , Γ≡′⟨⟩∘∣-injective Γ≡
  = ds , ss , p , c , v , Γ₀ , z , d≡ , v≡ , x≡ , Γ≡′ , ⋯⋯

match-splitₜ :
   (stepₜ : Γ at t —[ split⦅ y  ]→ₜ Γ′ at t) 
   (isT : isTimeout stepₜ) 
  let d = innerDₜ stepₜ {isT} in
   λ vcis   λ Γ₀   λ y 
  let vs , cs , ys = unzip₃ vcis in
    (d ≡⋯∶ split (zip vs cs))
  × (innerVₜ stepₜ {isT}  sum vs)
  × (innerXₜ stepₜ {isT}  y)
  × (innerΓₜ stepₜ {isT}  Γ₀)
  × (Γ′  || map (uncurry₃ $ flip ⟨_,_⟩at_) vcis  Γ₀)
  × All (_∉ y L.∷ ids Γ₀) ys
match-splitₜ stepₜ@([Timeout] {c = c} {i = i} _ _ Γ→ refl) tt
  with vcis , Γ₀ , y , Γ≡ , ⋯⋯match-split Γ→ (timeout⇒¬control stepₜ tt)
  with d≡ , v≡ , x≡ , Γ≡′⟨⟩∘∣-injective Γ≡
  = vcis , Γ₀ , y , d≡ , v≡ , x≡ , Γ≡′ , ⋯⋯

-- T0D0: complete view that is convenient for analysis