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open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.Decidable
open import Prelude.Membership
open L.Mem using (∈-++⁺ˡ; ∈-++⁺ʳ; ∈-++⁻)
open import Prelude.Bifunctor
open import Prelude.Nary
open import Prelude.Lists
open import Prelude.Lists.Dec
open import Prelude.Validity
open import Prelude.Setoid
open import Prelude.Traces
open import Prelude.ToN

open import BitML.BasicTypes

module BitML.Properties.TraceInit ( : ) (let open  ) where

open import BitML.Contracts 
open import BitML.Semantics 
open import BitML.Properties.Helpers 

  ¬Control :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     (step : Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′)
     {ctrl : isControl step}
     ` ad ∈ᶜ innerL step {ctrl}
  ¬Control {ad}
    {Γ = .( c , v ⟩at x  || map _auth[ x  (c  i) ] (nub $ authDecorations (c  i))  Γ)}
    ad∈ ([C-Control] {c}{Γ}{L}{v}{x}{.α}{.Γ′}{i} _ ≈L _ _)
    = ∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ ( [ removeTopDecorations d_ ] , v ⟩at x) L
    $ ∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {Γ}{L} ≈L ad∈Γ
      d_ = c  i
      S₀₀ =  c , v ⟩at x
      S₀₁ = || map _auth[ x  d_ ] (nub $ authDecorations d_)
      S₀ = S₀₀  S₀₁

      ad∈Γ : ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
      ad∈Γ = case ∈ᶜ-++⁻ S₀ Γ ad∈ of λ where
        (inj₂ ad∈Γ′)  ad∈Γ′
        (inj₁ ad∈S₀)  case ∈ᶜ-++⁻ S₀₀ S₀₁ ad∈S₀ of λ where
          (inj₁ ad∈ₗ)  contradict ad∈ₗ
          (inj₂ ad∈ᵣ)  ⊥-elim $ ∉ᶜ-|| (λ{ (here ()) ; (there ()) }) (nub $ authDecorations d_) ad∈ᵣ

  ¬AuthJoin :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     Γ —[ auth-join⦅ B , x′  y  ]→ Γ′
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ′
  ¬AuthJoin ad∈ ([DEP-AuthJoin] {A}{v}{x}{v′}{y}{Γ})
    with ∈-++⁻ (cfgToList $  A has v ⟩at x   A has v′ ⟩at y) ad∈
  ... | inj₁ ad∈ˡ = contradict ad∈ˡ
  ... | inj₂ ad∈Γ = ∈-++⁺ʳ
    (cfgToList $  A has v ⟩at x   A has v′ ⟩at y  A auth[ x  y ▷⟨ A , v + v′  ]) ad∈Γ

  ¬Join :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     Γ —[ join⦅ x′  y  ]→ Γ′
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ′
  ¬Join ad∈ ([DEP-Join] {z}{x}{y}{Γ}{A}{v}{v′} _)
    with ∈ᶜ-++⁻ ( A has v ⟩at x   A has v′ ⟩at y  A auth[ x  y ▷⟨ A , v + v′  ]) Γ ad∈
  ... | inj₁ ad∈ˡ = contradict ad∈ˡ
  ... | inj₂ ad∈Γ = ∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ ( A has v + v′ ⟩at z) Γ ad∈Γ

  ¬AuthDivide :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     Γ —[ auth-divide⦅ B , x′  v , v′  ]→ Γ′
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ′
  ¬AuthDivide ad∈ ([DEP-AuthDivide] {A}{v}{v′}{x}{Γ})
    with ∈ᶜ-++⁻ ( A has (v + v′) ⟩at x) Γ ad∈
  ... | inj₁ ad∈ˡ = contradict ad∈ˡ
  ... | inj₂ ad∈Γ = ∈-++⁺ʳ (cfgToList $  A has (v + v′) ⟩at x  A auth[ x ▷⟨ A , v , v′  ]) ad∈Γ

  ¬Divide :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     Γ —[ divide⦅ x′  v , v′  ]→ Γ′
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ′
  ¬Divide ad∈ ([DEP-Divide] {x}{Γ}{y}{y′}{A}{v}{v′} _)
    with ∈ᶜ-++⁻ ( A has (v + v′) ⟩at x  A auth[ x ▷⟨ A , v , v′  ]) Γ ad∈
  ... | inj₁ ad∈ˡ = contradict ad∈ˡ
  ... | inj₂ ad∈Γ = ∈-++⁺ʳ (cfgToList $  A has v ⟩at y   A has v′ ⟩at y′) ad∈Γ

  ¬AuthDonate :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     Γ —[ auth-donate⦅ A′ , x′ ▷ᵈ B  ]→ Γ′
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ′
  ¬AuthDonate ad∈ ([DEP-AuthDonate] {A}{v}{x}{Γ}{B})
    with ∈ᶜ-++⁻ ( A has v ⟩at x) Γ ad∈
  ... | inj₁ ad∈ˡ = contradict ad∈ˡ
  ... | inj₂ ad∈Γ = ∈-++⁺ʳ (cfgToList $  A has v ⟩at x  A auth[ x ▷ᵈ B ]) ad∈Γ

  ¬Donate :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     Γ —[ donate⦅ x′ ▷ᵈ B  ]→ Γ′
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ′
  ¬Donate ad∈ ([DEP-Donate] {y}{x}{Γ}{A}{v}{B} _)
    with ∈-++⁻ (cfgToList $  A has v ⟩at x  A auth[ x ▷ᵈ B ]) ad∈
  ... | inj₁ ad∈ˡ = contradict ad∈ˡ
  ... | inj₂ ad∈Γ = ∈-++⁺ʳ (cfgToList $  B has v ⟩at y) ad∈Γ
    -- = ∈-++⁻ (cfgToList $ ⟨ A has v ⟩at x ∣ A auth[ x ▷ᵈ B ]) ad∈ >≡>
    -- Sum.[ (λ{ (here ()); (there (here ())) })
    --     , ∈-++⁺ʳ (cfgToList $ ⟨ B has v ⟩at y)
    --     ]

  ¬AuthDestroy :  {xs} {j′ : Index xs}
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     Γ —[ auth-destroy⦅ B , xs , j′  ]→ Γ′
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ′
  ¬AuthDestroy ad∈ ([DEP-AuthDestroy] {y}{Γ}{ds}{j} _) =
    let xs = map select₃ ds
        Aj = proj₁ (ds  j)
        j′ = ‼-map {xs = ds} j
        Δ  = || map (uncurry₃ ⟨_has_⟩at_) ds
    Sum.[ ∈ᶜ-++⁺ˡ (Δ  Aj auth[ xs , j′ ▷ᵈˢ y ]) Γ  ∈ᶜ-++⁺ˡ Δ (Aj auth[ xs , j′ ▷ᵈˢ y ])
        , ∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ (Δ  Aj auth[ xs , j′ ▷ᵈˢ y ]) Γ
        ] (∈ᶜ-++⁻ Δ Γ ad∈)

  ¬Destroy :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     Γ —[ destroy⦅ xs  ]→ Γ′
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ′
  ¬Destroy ad∈ ([DEP-Destroy] {y}{Γ}{ds}) =
    let xs = map select₃ ds
        Δ  = || map (λ{ (i , Aᵢ , vᵢ , xᵢ)   Aᵢ has vᵢ ⟩at xᵢ  Aᵢ auth[ xs , ‼-map {xs = ds} i ▷ᵈˢ y ] })
                    (enumerate ds)
    case ∈ᶜ-++⁻ Δ Γ ad∈ of λ where
      (inj₁ ad∈Δ)  ⊥-elim $ ∉ᶜ-|| (λ{ (here ()); (there (here ())) }) (enumerate ds) ad∈Δ
      (inj₂ ad∈Γ)  ad∈Γ

  ¬Advertise :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     Γ —[ advertise⦅ ad′  ]→ Γ′
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ′
  ¬Advertise {ad′ = ad′} ad∈ ([C-Advertise] {ad = .ad′}{Γ} vad hon⁺ d⊆) =
    ∈-++⁺ʳ [ ` ad′ ] ad∈

  ¬AuthCommit :  {secrets : List (Secret × Maybe )}
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     Γ —[ auth-commit⦅ B , ad′ , secrets  ]→ Γ′
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ′
  ¬AuthCommit ad∈ ([C-AuthCommit] {ad}{A}{Γ}{secrets} _ _ _) =
    let (as , ms) = unzip secrets
        Δ         = || map (uncurry  A ∶_♯_⟩) secrets
    ∈ᶜ-++⁺ˡ (` ad  Γ  Δ) (A auth[ ♯▷ ad ]) $ ∈ᶜ-++⁺ˡ (` ad  Γ) Δ ad∈

  ¬AuthInit :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     Γ —[ auth-init⦅ A , ad′ , x  ]→ Γ′
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ′
  ¬AuthInit ad∈ ([C-AuthInit] {ad}{Γ}{A}{v}{x} _ _) =
    ∈ᶜ-++⁺ˡ (` ad  Γ) (A auth[ x ▷ˢ ad ]) ad∈

  ¬Init :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     ¬ ((g  ad .G) × (c  ad .C))
     Γ —[ init⦅ g , c  ]→ Γ′
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ′
  ¬Init ad∈ ¬eq ([C-Init] {ad}{x}{Γ} _) = let  G  C = ad; partG = nub-participants G in
    let toSpend = persistentDeposits G
        vs      = map (proj₁  proj₂) toSpend
        Δ₁ = || map (λ{ (Aᵢ , vᵢ , xᵢ)   Aᵢ has vᵢ ⟩at xᵢ  Aᵢ auth[ xᵢ ▷ˢ ad ] }) toSpend
        Δ₂ = || map _auth[ ♯▷ ad ] partG
    case ∈ᶜ-++⁻ (` ad  Γ  Δ₁) Δ₂ ad∈ of λ where
      (inj₂ ad∈Δ₂)  ⊥-elim $ ∉ᶜ-|| (λ{ (here ()); (there ())} ) partG ad∈Δ₂
      (inj₁ ad∈′)  
        case ∈ᶜ-++⁻ (` ad  Γ) Δ₁ ad∈′ of λ where
          (inj₂ ad∈Δ₁)  ⊥-elim $ ∉ᶜ-|| (λ{ (there (here ())) ; (there (there ())) }) toSpend ad∈Δ₁
          (inj₁ ad∈″)  
            case ∈ᶜ-++⁻ (` ad) Γ ad∈″ of λ where
              (inj₂ ad∈Γ)   ∈-++⁺ʳ [  C , sum vs ⟩at x ] ad∈Γ
              (inj₁ (here refl))  ⊥-elim $ ¬eq (refl , refl)

  ¬Split :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     Γ —[ split⦅ y  ]→ Γ′
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ′
  ¬Split ad∈ step@([C-Control] _ _ L→Γ′ _) = ¬Split (¬Control ad∈ step) L→Γ′
  ¬Split ad∈ ([C-Split] {y}{Γ}{vcis} _) =
    let (vs , cs , _) = unzip₃ vcis in
    case ∈ᶜ-++⁻ ( [ split (zip vs cs) ] , sum vs ⟩at y) Γ ad∈ of λ where
      (inj₁ ad∈ˡ)  contradict ad∈ˡ
      (inj₂ ad∈Γ)  ∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ (|| map (uncurry₃ $ flip ⟨_,_⟩at_) vcis) Γ ad∈Γ

  ¬AuthRev :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     Γ —[ auth-rev⦅ B , a  ]→ Γ′
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ′
  ¬AuthRev ad∈ ([C-AuthRev] {A}{a}{n}{Γ}) =
    case ∈ᶜ-++⁻ ( A  a  just n ) Γ ad∈ of λ where
      (inj₁ ad∈ˡ)  contradict ad∈ˡ
      (inj₂ ad∈Γ)  ∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ (A  a  n) Γ ad∈Γ

  ¬PutRev :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     Γ —[ put⦅ xs , as , y  ]→ Γ′
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ′
  ¬PutRev ad∈ step@([C-Control] _ _ L→Γ′ _) = ¬PutRev (¬Control ad∈ step) L→Γ′
  ¬PutRev ad∈ ([C-PutRev] {Γ′}{z}{y}{p}{c}{v} {ds}{ss} _ _) =
    let (_ , vs , xs) = unzip₃ ds
        (_ , as , _)  = unzip₃ ss
        Γ = || map (uncurry₃ ⟨_has_⟩at_) ds
        Δ = || map (uncurry₃ _∶_♯_) ss
        ΔΓ′ = Δ  Γ′
    case ∈ᶜ-++⁻ ( [ put xs &reveal as if p  c ] , v ⟩at y) (Γ  ΔΓ′) ad∈ of λ where
      (inj₁ ad∈ˡ)  contradict ad∈ˡ
      (inj₂ ad∈′) 
        case ∈ᶜ-++⁻ Γ ΔΓ′ ad∈′ of λ where
          (inj₁ ad∈Γ)  ⊥-elim $ ∉ᶜ-|| (λ{ (here ())}) ds ad∈Γ
          (inj₂ ad∈ΔΓ′)  ∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ ( c , v + sum vs ⟩at z) ΔΓ′ ad∈ΔΓ′

  ¬Withdraw :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     Γ —[ withdraw⦅ B , v , y  ]→ Γ′
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ′
  ¬Withdraw ad∈ step@([C-Control] _ _ L→Γ′ _) = ¬Withdraw (¬Control ad∈ step) L→Γ′
  ¬Withdraw ad∈ ([C-Withdraw] {x}{y}{Γ}{A}{v} _) =
    case ∈ᶜ-++⁻ ( [ withdraw A ] , v ⟩at y) Γ ad∈ of λ where
      (inj₁ ad∈ˡ)  contradict ad∈ˡ
      (inj₂ ad∈Γ)  ∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ ( A has v ⟩at x) Γ ad∈Γ

  ¬AuthControl :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     Γ —[ auth-control⦅ B , x′  d  ]→ Γ′
     ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ′
  ¬AuthControl ad∈ ([C-AuthControl] {c}{A}{v}{x}{Γ}{i} _) =
    let d = c  i in
    case ∈ᶜ-++⁻ ( c , v ⟩at x) Γ ad∈ of λ where
      (inj₁ ad∈ˡ)  ∈ᶜ-++⁺ˡ ( c , v ⟩at x  A auth[ x  d ]) Γ $ ∈ᶜ-++⁺ˡ ( c , v ⟩at x) (A auth[ x  d ]) ad∈ˡ
      (inj₂ ad∈Γ)  ∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ ( c , v ⟩at x  A auth[ x  d ]) Γ ad∈Γ

  h :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     ` ad ∉ᶜ Γ′
     Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′
     α  init⦅ ad .G , ad .C 
  h {ad}{Γ}{Γ′}{α} ad∈ ad∉′ step
    with α
  ... | auth-join⦅ _ , _  _        = ⊥-elim $ ad∉′ $ ¬AuthJoin ad∈ step
  ... | join⦅ _  _                 = ⊥-elim $ ad∉′ $ ¬Join ad∈ step
  ... | auth-divide⦅ _ , _  _ , _  = ⊥-elim $ ad∉′ $ ¬AuthDivide ad∈ step
  ... | divide⦅ _  _ , _           = ⊥-elim $ ad∉′ $ ¬Divide ad∈ step
  ... | auth-donate⦅ _ , _ ▷ᵈ _     = ⊥-elim $ ad∉′ $ ¬AuthDonate ad∈ step
  ... | donate⦅ _ ▷ᵈ _              = ⊥-elim $ ad∉′ $ ¬Donate ad∈ step
  ... | auth-destroy⦅ _ , _ , _     = ⊥-elim $ ad∉′ $ ¬AuthDestroy ad∈ step
  ... | destroy⦅ _                  = ⊥-elim $ ad∉′ $ ¬Destroy ad∈ step
  ... | advertise⦅ _                = ⊥-elim $ ad∉′ $ ¬Advertise ad∈ step
  ... | auth-commit⦅ _ , _ , _      = ⊥-elim $ ad∉′ $ ¬AuthCommit ad∈ step
  ... | auth-init⦅ _ , _ , _        = ⊥-elim $ ad∉′ $ ¬AuthInit ad∈ step
  ... | split⦅ _                    = ⊥-elim $ ad∉′ $ ¬Split ad∈ step
  ... | auth-rev⦅ _ , _             = ⊥-elim $ ad∉′ $ ¬AuthRev ad∈ step
  ... | put⦅ _ , _ , _              = ⊥-elim $ ad∉′ $ ¬PutRev ad∈ step
  ... | withdraw⦅ _ , _ , _         = ⊥-elim $ ad∉′ $ ¬Withdraw ad∈ step
  ... | auth-control⦅ _ , _  _     = ⊥-elim $ ad∉′ $ ¬AuthControl ad∈ step
  ... | delay⦅ _                    = ⊥-elim $ ¬Delay step
  ... | init⦅ g , c 
    with ¿ (g  ad .G) × (c  ad .C) ¿
  ... | no ¬eq = ⊥-elim $ ad∉′ (¬Init ad∈ ¬eq step)
  ... | yes (refl , refl) = refl

  hᵗ :
      ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ
     ` ad ∉ᶜ Γ′
     Γ at t —[ α ]→ₜ Γ′ at t′
     α  init⦅ ad .G , ad .C 
  hᵗ ad∈ ad∉ ([Action] Γ→ _) = h ad∈ ad∉ Γ→
  hᵗ ad∈ ad∉ ([Delay] _) = ⊥-elim $ ad∉ ad∈
  hᵗ ad∈ ad∉ ([Timeout] {c}{t}{v}{x}{Γ}{α}{Γ′}{i} _ _ Γ→ _) = let d = c  i; d∗ = removeTopDecorations d in
    h (∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ ( [ d∗ ] , v ⟩at x) Γ (case ad∈ of λ where (there ad∈′)  ad∈′)) ad∉ Γ→

traceInit :
    ` ad ∈ᶜ Γ₀
   ` ad ∉ᶜ Γ
   Γ₀ at t —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γ at t′
   init⦅ ad .G , ad .C   αs
traceInit ad∈ ad∉ (_ ∎ₜ) = ⊥-elim $ ad∉ ad∈
traceInit {ad}{Γ₀}{Γ}{t}{α  αs}{t′} ad∈ ad∉
  (_—→ₜ⟨_⟩_⊢_ .(Γ₀ at t) {Γ₀′ at _}{M at _}{M′ at _}{Γ at t′} Γ₀→M ((refl , Γ₀≈) , (refl , M≈)) M↠)
  = case ¿ ` ad ∈ᶜ M′ ¿ of λ where
      (no  ad∉M′)  here $ sym $ hᵗ (∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {Γ₀}{Γ₀′} Γ₀≈ ad∈) ad∉M′ Γ₀→M
      (yes ad∈M′)  there $ traceInit (∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {M′}{M} (↭-sym M≈) ad∈M′) ad∉ M↠

ℍ[C-Init]⦅_↝_⦆⦅_⦆ : Cfg  Cfg  Ad  Type
ℍ[C-Init]⦅ Γ  Γ′ ⦆⦅ ad  =  λ Γ₁   λ x  let  G  C = ad; partG = nub-participants G in
  let toSpend = persistentDeposits G
      vs      = map select₂ toSpend
    (Γ  ` ad  Γ₁  || map (λ{ (Aᵢ , vᵢ , xᵢ)   Aᵢ has vᵢ ⟩at xᵢ  Aᵢ auth[ xᵢ ▷ˢ ad ] }) toSpend
                    || map _auth[ ♯▷ ad ] partG)
  × (Γ′   C , sum vs ⟩at x  Γ₁)

init⇒ :
    Γ —[ init⦅ g , c  ]→ Γ′
   ℍ[C-Init]⦅ Γ  Γ′ ⦆⦅  g  c 
init⇒ ([C-Init] _) = -, -, refl , refl

init⇒∗ :
    (tr : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′)
   init⦅ g , c   αs
   ∃[ tr  ℍ[C-Init]⦅_↝_⦆⦅  g  c  ]
init⇒∗ Γ↠ α∈
  with _ , _ , _ , _ , xy∈ , ((_ , x≈) , (_ , y≈)) , [Action] Γ→ reflzoom Γ↠ α∈
     = -, -, -, -, L.Mem.∈-map⁺ (map₁₂ cfg) xy∈ , (x≈ , y≈) , init⇒ Γ→

open import BitML.Properties.TraceAd 
open import BitML.Properties.TraceAuthInit 

∃ℍ[C-AuthInit]⦅_↝_⦆⦅_⦆ : Cfg  Cfg  Ad  Type
∃ℍ[C-AuthInit]⦅ Γ  Γ′ ⦆⦅ ad  =  λ A   λ x  ℍ[C-AuthInit]⦅ Γ  Γ′ ⦆⦅ A , ad , x 

  HELP :
    let toSpend = persistentDeposits (ad .G); partG = nub-participants (ad .G) in

      Valid ad
     A  partG
     || map (λ{ (Aᵢ , vᵢ , xᵢ)   Aᵢ has vᵢ ⟩at xᵢ  Aᵢ auth[ xᵢ ▷ˢ ad ] }) toSpend ⊆ᶜ Γ
      λ xᵢ  A auth[ xᵢ ▷ˢ ad ] ∈ᶜ Γ
  HELP {ad}{A}{Γ} vad A∈ Γ⊆ =
    xᵢ , auth∈
      toSpend = persistentDeposits (ad .G)
      A∈′ : A  persistentParticipants (ad .G)
      A∈′ = (vad ∙parts-⊆)
              (∈-++⁺ˡ {xs = participants (ad . G)}{participants (ad .C)} $ ∈-nub⁻ A∈)

      ∃A∈ :  λ (vᵢ : Value)   λ (xᵢ : Id)  (A , vᵢ , xᵢ)  toSpend
      ∃A∈ with (.A , v , x) , Avx∈ , reflL.Mem.∈-map⁻ proj₁ A∈′
        = v , x , Avx∈

      vᵢ = proj₁ ∃A∈
      xᵢ = proj₁ $ proj₂ ∃A∈
      Avx∈ = proj₂ $ proj₂ ∃A∈

      auth∈ : A auth[ xᵢ ▷ˢ ad ] ∈ᶜ Γ
      auth∈ = ∈ᶜ-||⇒⊆ᶜ {Γ = Γ} toSpend Avx∈ Γ⊆
            $ ∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ ( A has vᵢ ⟩at xᵢ) (A auth[ xᵢ ▷ˢ ad ]) (here refl)

ℍ[C-Init]⇒∃ℍ[C-AuthInit] :
    Initial Γₜ
   (tr : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′)
   ∃[ tr  ℍ[C-Init]⦅_↝_⦆⦅ ad  ]
   ∃[ tr  ∃ℍ[C-AuthInit]⦅_↝_⦆⦅ ad  ]
  × Valid ad
  × ad  advertisements tr
ℍ[C-Init]⇒∃ℍ[C-AuthInit] {Γₜ}{αs}{Γₜ′}{ad} (init , t≡0) tr (x , x′ , y , y′ , xy∈ , (x≈ , y≈) , H@(Γ₁ , xx , Γ≡ , Γ≡′))
  with tᵢ , _ , xy∈ᵗ×∈⇒×∈ᵗ tr xy∈
  =  , vad , ad∈∗
    partG = nub-participants (ad .G)
    Γₜᵢ = x at tᵢ

    tr′ : Γₜ —[ take (toℕ $ L.Any.index xy∈ᵗ) αs ]↠ₜ Γₜᵢ
    tr′ = splitTraceˡ tr xy∈ᵗ

    -- traceAd --

    ad∈′ : ` ad ∈ᶜ x′
    ad∈′ rewrite Γ≡ = here refl

    ad∈ : ` ad ∈ᶜ x
    ad∈ = ∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {x′}{x} (↭-sym x≈) ad∈′

    H′ : ∃[ tr′  ℍ[C-Advertise]⦅_↝_⦆⦅ ad  ]
    H′ = traceAd∗ init ad∈ tr′

    vad : Valid ad
    vad = let _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , vad , _ , _ = H′ in vad

    ∃hon : Any (_∈ Hon) partG
    ∃hon = let _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , ∃hon , _ = H′ in ∃hon

    p : Participant
    p = L.Any.lookup ∃hon

    p∈ : p  partG
    p∈ = lookup∈ ∃hon

    p∈hon : p  Hon
    p∈hon = L.Any.lookup-result ∃hon

    -- traceAuthInit --

    ∃auth∈ :  λ xᵢ  p auth[ xᵢ ▷ˢ ad ] ∈ᶜ x′
    ∃auth∈ = qed′
        toSpend = persistentDeposits (ad .G)
        Δ₁ = ` ad  Γ₁
        Δ₂ = || map (λ{ (Aᵢ , vᵢ , xᵢ)   Aᵢ has vᵢ ⟩at xᵢ  Aᵢ auth[ xᵢ ▷ˢ ad ] }) toSpend
        Δ₃ = || map _auth[ ♯▷ ad ] partG
        Δ₁₂₃ = Δ₁  Δ₂  Δ₃

        Δ⊆ : Δ₂ ⊆ᶜ Δ₁₂₃
        Δ⊆ = ⊆ᶜ-++⁺ˡ {Δ₂} (Δ₁  Δ₂) Δ₃
           $ ⊆ᶜ-++⁺ʳ {Δ₂} Δ₁ Δ₂
           $ ⊆ᶜ-refl {Δ₂}

        qed :  λ xᵢ  p auth[ xᵢ ▷ˢ ad ] ∈ᶜ Δ₁₂₃
        qed = HELP {Γ = Δ₁₂₃} vad p∈ Δ⊆

        qed′ :  λ xᵢ  p auth[ xᵢ ▷ˢ ad ] ∈ᶜ x′
        qed′ = proj₁ qed , subst (p auth[ proj₁ qed ▷ˢ ad ] ∈ᶜ_) (sym Γ≡) (proj₂ qed)
        -- [BUG] c.f. personal-practice/agda/bugs/SubstDependentProduct.agda

    xᵢ = proj₁ ∃auth∈

    auth∈′ : p auth[ xᵢ ▷ˢ ad ] ∈ᶜ x′
    auth∈′ = proj₂ ∃auth∈

    auth∈ : p auth[ xᵢ ▷ˢ ad ] ∈ᶜ x
    auth∈ = ∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {x′}{x} (↭-sym x≈) auth∈′

    H″ : ∃[ tr′  ℍ[C-AuthInit]⦅_↝_⦆⦅ p , ad , xᵢ  ]
    H″ = traceAuthInit∗ init auth∈ tr′

     : ∃[ tr  ∃ℍ[C-AuthInit]⦅_↝_⦆⦅ ad  ]
     = ∃-splitTraceˡ′ tr xy∈ᵗ (-,_  -,_) H″

    ad∈∗ : ad  advertisements tr
    ad∈∗ =
        x , x′ , _ , _ , xy∈ , (x≈ , _) , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , part⊆ , _ = 
        x∈ , _ = ∈-allTransitions⁻ tr xy∈

        ad∈x : ad  advertisements x
        ad∈x = ∈ads-resp-≈ ad {x′}{x} (↭-sym x≈)
             $ committed⇒authAd p∈hon {Γ = x′} (part⊆ p∈)
        ads⊆ {Γ = x} tr x∈ ad∈x